Sunday, January 07, 2007

Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion - Upset Stomach, Diarrhea

This morning, Alex woke me up at 3:00 am saying he had a pounding headache and that he felt nauseous. I gave him some ibuprofen and orange juice and lay back down with him in his bed.

It only took about 5 minutes, and he was rushing to the bathroom to throw up the ibuprofen and orange juice I had just given him. This is only the third time in his 11 1/2 years that he has been throwing-up sick.

As I sat there with him through the dry heaves and the crying, I tried to figure out why he might be this sick. Then it hit me. Alex had just returned from spending a week back home with his grandparents. Grandparents who spoil him rotten!

The car load of toys/"Christmas Presents" that we brought back with us made ME want to throw up. I told Bill that the number of toys we have in the back of our car, might be comparable to the number of toys that some kids have in their lifetime. Because the word "no" obviously disappears from their vocabulary while he is there, Alex is allowed to eat and drink pretty much whatever he wants. Following is a list of food items that he consumed in mass quantity (maybe even as a meal) within the last week:

Chocolate ice cream
Chocolate Riesen
Chocolate chip cookies
Chocolate cake
Chocolate covered pretzels
Chocolate licorice
Red licorice
Jr. Mints
Caramel popcorn
Peanut M&M's

Regular M&M's
Peanut brittle
Spicy gum drops
Did I mention Chocolate?
Good -N- Plenty's

Gummy Worms
Sour Patch Kids
Rice Crispy Bars
Taco Doritos
Chedder Fries
Chex Mix
Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew Full Throttle

And maybe the worst item of all. Something that Bill and I agreed we would never allow him to eat (we even shook on it). The Chili Cheese Thick Burger from Hardee's. I can't believe someone who loves Alex would allow him to eat this:

The fact that he was throwing up totally made sense!

1 comment:

LJR said...

i love the food list. thanks for sharing. Hope Alexis feels better soon.