Monday, August 15, 2005

I Highly Recommend The Newsletter

I found this today...
"I've never crapped my pants over somebody running for President before, but that's because Christopher Walken has never run for President. And if I just implied that I crapped my pants, good, because I totally did. I don't know if you know this, but Christopher Walken is one of the greatest humans on the planet. Besides killing terrorists with his bare hands and curing life-threatening diseases, he's also kicked Hitler in the face twice. I want to live in a world where the President of the United States is Christopher Walken. It might end civilization as we know it, but imagine the President saying to the British Prime Minister, "I've got a fever, and the only cure is more cowbell." You can't put a price on that. Even if you tried." (

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I Want My Two Dollars

My dad came over tonight to spend some time with Bill and me.

The first thing he told us when he got here was that he went to the dentist today and that everything was good. He is supposed to keep doing whatever it is he has been doing.

He also told us that the check-up cost him $85 but that when he went to the parking lot he found $2. So really the appointment only cost him $83.

Shitty, Shit, Shit

Arrested Development's Season 2 DVD does not come out until October.

Season 3 starts Monday, September 19, 2005.

I am going to be a year behind on this show FOREVER!

So Damn Sexy!

Just wanted to say I Love You today. I hope you have a great Wednesday.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Circle Of Life

Our friend Andy and the rest of Team242 completed the last 25-miles of their 1400-mile ride today. Those of us not brave enough to spend the entire two weeks with them were invited to join them for the last 25-miles or to help out in some small way. Bill and I don't own any spandex so we were part of the "in some small way" group.

Congratulations Team242. You should be proud of what you did and why you did it

Andy, thanks for including us. We think you might be the greatest person we have ever met.

Have a look.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Dear FP,

I'm sorry I missed BlogHer too.

Let's make a vow. We will both be there next year.

Call me!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Must Love Cats

Four years ago, I attended the wedding of a childhood friend. I would have to say she was my best friend growing up. She even stood up in our wedding as the maid of honor. By 2001 we had lost touch. However, I still can't beleive I wasn't asked to pin flowers or pour punch. She was my maid of honor for shit sake.

During the time that we were out of touch, Pam became Pamela and found God. When I say found God, I mean it. She was now a Born Again, Spirit Filled, Christian Woman who spoke to Him in some foreign tongue and actually prayed for a parking spot close to the shopping mall. Don't get me wrong, I believe in God, just a different one than she does.

So there we sat, a group of friends from her unholy past. None of us knew what to expect at the ceremony. Would there be audience participation? I didn't want any part of something like that. So I prayed, asking my God to spare me the embarrassment.

The ceremony turned out to be just fine. She looked beautiful and I must say, very happy. I felt proud to have been asked to be a part of their day.

The reception was an entirely different story. We were all used to the traditional reception that included dinner, a few cocktails and a lot of dancing. There would be no cocktails, and unfortunatly no dancing either.

Right after dinner the maid of honor got up to give the toast. The following is a condensed version of what she said:

"When Pamela first surrendered her life to the Lord, we worked together on a list of three things that she wanted for her life in the next six months. These were the things that we would pray about for her. She said she wanted: a new job, a new home and she hoped to meet the person she was going to spend the rest of her life with. After she made that list, we took it one step further for her. I asked her to make a list of qualities she desired for her husband. Pamela made that list. It was five pages front and back. Within three monts, she met Chris. Within five months she had a new job and a new home. The best part is that Chris fits all of those expectations from Pamela's list except for one. Pamela wanted a husband that loved cats as much as she did." ARE YOU READY FOR WHAT THIS WOMAN SAID NEXT? I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. SHE REALLY SAID THIS. WORD FOR WORD "Maybe we could get someone up her to put a "Cat Loving Anointing on Chris."

Are you fucking serious right now? What the hell does that even mean? I have never heard of such a thing.

She went on to tell everyont that Chris had made a list too. Pamela fit all of his expectations. She was a blond who could cook.

It was at that very moment that I realized we really were from two very different worlds now. This was not the same Pam that used to dance in her bathrobe to Carpenters Records. This was not the same Pam that used to have her Halloween candy until Easter and her Easter Candy until Halloween. This was not the girl I grew up with. It was some new version of and old friend, a version that I had nothing in common with. I wonder if I should ask for a "Pamela Loving Anointing."

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Back And Forth

Desperately Trying To Be Cool

Will any of these work: She's trouble. I like trouble. See for yourself. Her daughter's name is Amelia. I love that. My source for news just the way I like it. My friend said it was cool. I'm not nosey, you put it there. Thank you Mama Roach. So damn pretty. "...signs of life in music and culture" No words. Gotta Lotta!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Just Wondering:

Where has Damien Rice been all my life?
How did Katie Couric become "America's Sweetheart"?

Why do people lie?
Will I ever read all the books I have?
How did we end up with three dogs?
Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome real?
If you smile a lot, does it mean you are confident or naive?
Is there anyone better than Neil Diamond?

I'm 32, is it too late to learn geography?
When will my family realize that I am, by far, the coolest?

Why don't more men go with just the mustache?
Does anyone else think this is funny?
What the hell are you waiting for?

Monday, August 01, 2005

-Augie Obert-

Introducing the love of my life and the highlight of each and every day. Alexander Robert. He gets his good looks from his father and his attitude from his mother. This is not a combination that I am comfortable with.

And That's Why I'm Afraid of Bananas

This is our friend Andy. He and a group of his friends are in the second half of a two week, 1400-mile bike ride around Lake Michigan. You can read about it here: May you be strong in your push to the finish. You are my inspiration! See you Saturday. -CAS

Grandma Death

Dear Roberta Sparrow, I have reached the end of your book and... there are so many things that I need to ask you. Sometimes I'm afraid of what you might tell me. Sometimes I'm afraid that you'll tell me that this is not a work of fiction. I can only hope that the answers will come to me in my sleep. I hope that when the world comes to an end, I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to. (Donnie Darko)