Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Each month Dooce aka Heather Armstrong writes a newsletter to her daughter (pictured above). Heather is an amazingly honest writer and an outstanding mother. These newsletters almost always makes me cry. This month she ended her letter with this paragraph:
This month we also filled out an application for preschool, something we hope you’ll get to start later this year, and late one night your father and I filled out several pages full of questions. We had to discuss several things, including what we hope you will get out of the program and which class we think would be right for you, and then we came back to the one question we saved for last: How would you describe your child’s personality? Your dad wouldn’t let me write “HAVE I GOT A URL FOR YOU!” so we sat there and tried to come up with a way to sum it all up. And we didn’t even know where to begin. It was one of the hardest questions I’ve ever been asked because there were only three lines for the answer, and I felt like I was trying to describe a rainbow to someone who has been blind their entire life. And I didn’t know if they were trying to mess with all these parents, because I know I’m not the only one who sat there staring at that question thinking back over every moment I have lived with you, the screaming and the singing and the way you call a lake a “lape” and a river a “ribber,” knowing that whoever gets to spend their days with you will be transformed by the experience, and that the only right answer would be: You will not be disappointed.

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